Thursday 27 March 2014

Trailer Talk: Turtles, Spiders, Jupiter, Cops and more

My second edition of this feature (and my first on this blog), Trailer Talk is a weekly feature - with no specific date every week - which discusses the trailers and teasers for upcoming releases.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I've never been a big fan of the Ninja Turtles. I never got into them as a kid, I missed out on the 2007 animated feature, and don't feel like I've missed anything major. I am aware of the material and designs though, and I don't feel that Michael Bay has recaptured that classic style. You have a miscast April O'Neal, who doesn't even have a line in the teaser which goes to show how little people want Megan Fox in the role, you've got Turtles that have genuinely garish faces, and a plot ripped right out of 2012's The Amazing Spider-Man. However, the Turtles' bodies do have a nice design. Sadly, a pass on this film from me, as I doubt future trailers will add any appeal.

Jupiter Ascending
When I watched the Wachowskis' mega-hit The Matrix last year, I felt indifferent. It had some nice visuals, but a plot which didn't entice me. And following recent flops Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas, it seems that I may not be in the minority. And alas, Jupiter Ascending isn't bringing me much to love about. It may have some rising stars and those at the peak of their careers, but that's all it brings to the fray. The visuals are the usual when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, it has an overdone premise, and it looks incredibly dull. Not even its cast can save it.

Rio 2
I haven't seen the first Rio, but the recent trailer promoting its returning villain isn't exactly helping bring in new viewers. Going by its other trailers, I'd rather just watch the studios' previous hits (namely the original Ice Age) and the upcoming Peanuts film.

A British thriller here, and despite its interesting cast, it too follows a overdone premise of 'do something in *this* amount of time or you're dead'. Simply having a mainly British cast doesn't bring out anything new.

Let's Be Cops
It's all negative today! This comedy film looks abysmal, with no humour and gags which even remotely appealed to me. You have two main stars who are only notable for being in television comedy New Girl, a bootleg version of 21 Jump Street for a plot, and jokes which aren't even jokes anymore. It's overdone, and it should be avoided.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
This trailer broke out the day after the first Trailer Talk, and I originally decided not to talk about it. But seeing as it has new footage - which it really shouldn't - I might as well discuss. It's nice that in this trailer they focus more on Harry Osborn (this time played by Dane DeHaan) and his friendship with Peter Parker, as well as some more scenes of the Rhino, but it feels unneeded. With the countless TV spots, trailers and adverts, you feel like you've already seen the movie, and there's still a month to go until its release. In that time we'll likely get even more coverage. Even during Cinema Con they showed the first 30 minutes of the film to lukewarm reactions by the attendants. Sony is trying incredibly hard to appeal to an audience, but too much can spoil the broth.

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