Sunday 17 January 2016

Trailer Talk: The Secret Life of Cloverfield Lane & Nixon

Whilst the first teasers had something of an irresistible charm to them, this first proper glimpse at Zootropolis' story and characters is giving off a really standard vibe from the Mouse House flick. Animal-based puns and a genuinely intriguing mystery aside, this looks a little weak as far as recent Disney standards go by, and almost give off a Chicken Little-esque feel to its execution. Perhaps the first misstep for this anticipated film.

So dystopian future, threats of nuclear war, and an alien egg which may or may not be related to creation and/or evolution? Yeah, doesn't exactly look great. Has potential, but the trailer offers very little hope of that potential being realised.

I ought to skip this solely because Ashley Benson was in the abhorrent mess that was Pixels, but I'll let her off considering she was only one of multiple problems with that 'comedy'. This horror(?) film about a girl being stalked by presumably her boyfriend appears to be taking the Unfriended/Paranormal Activity 3 route by having all the footage come from her devices...but there isn't really anything here. It's just another one of those films which always come across as a bit iffy.

There's something overly appealing about this trailer for the upcoming Ben Wheatley picture. Maybe it's the sublime editing of the entire trailer blended to an exquisite track. Maybe it's the appearance of British sweetheart Tom Hiddleston. Maybe it's the lack of knowledge of what the film is actually about which makes it all the more appealing. Either way, I'm game.

How overly generic. No wonder it's a VOD release. SKIP!

The Conjuring 2
The first Conjuring was an unprecedented hit, spawning not only this sequel but the 2014 spin-off Annabelle (a sequel to which is currently in the works), and in the time since director James Wan has gone for a little drive that only went and grossed over $1bn worldwide - in turn leading Wan to helm the upcoming Aquaman feature. But before that we return to the world of The Conjuring and, in honesty, it doesn't look as bad as most horror sequels. Sure, it's a little predictable in approach, but the bedroom sequence with the crosses is legitimately intriguing and it's a jump scare which, while expected, has a different approach to it.

Elvis and Nixon
This is an odd one. Mostly because when I look at Michael Shannon, I don't see Elvis Presley. I see...well, Michael Shannon, But also because of just how bizarre this movie (seemingly based on a true story) appears to be. Sure, it'll likely have appealing aspects - I'm kinda digging the chemistry between Shannon and Spacey - but I'm not so certain whether or not it'll be any good.

London Has Fallen
Wow, do those explosions need more time to render and actually look like explosions. Also, America is being rather mean to we British folk by being willing to decimate an entire city only for the President to wind up kidnapped anyway. Nasty America.

Free State of Jones
Matthew McConaughey is at it again, in this blend between 12 Years a Slave (complete with the same house and garden that Benedict Cumberbatch lived at) and Dallas Buyers Club...and it looks pretty good. Nothing special or spectacular about it, but it looks like it has some good factors to it.

Hail. Caesar!
Whilst this trailer is more of an extended sneak peak into the upcoming Coen Brothers picture and doesn't offer much but a standard comedic bit, you can't help but remain excited and intrigued in Hail, Caesar!. Not much else to add.

Triple 9
Aside from seeing Kate Winslet in a very different role to usual, this trailer spoils practically EVERYTHING about this movie, so perhaps just skip it. And the movie too, because it looks very standard.

Money Monster
So what started out as an intriguing tale based on a talk show host being held captive live on air becomes a preachy story about the economy. And it was looking so good...

The Secret Life of Pets
I think I've come to the conclusion that I don't like Kevin Hart. Maybe I don't Illumination Entertainment either. Which really puts the Toy Story-esque Secret Life of Pets in a bad way because it has potential which may fail to be realised.

10 Cloverfield Lane
I'm impressed by how they managed to make this film without anyone knowing about it. I'm impressed that this film is two months away from release and we know hide nor hair about it. I like the majority of the cast that features here and I like that there's evidently no spoilers to be had with the film's marketing. That said, I don't know if this means it's smart or it's overly protective of what's to be seen - good or bad.

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