Sunday 10 April 2016

Trailer Talk: Everybody Wants LEGO Batman's Baby

The Nice Guys
Opening almost immediately with a great gag, The Nice Guys is quickly turning into a great comedy  to look forward to this summer. Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe have a great rapport going, the jokes hit every mark, and Shane Black is a successful writer/director for this kind of thing. Bring on The Nice Guys!

Bridget Jone's Baby
Over a decade on from The Edge of Reason, Bridget Jones returns to the big screen with a soap opera storyline. and as far as fans of the franchise/genre will be concerned, it'll likely tick the right boxes for them. For others, at least there are a few lines of dialogue which can get a chuckle from - and how can you say no to Emma Thompson?

Deepwater Horizon
I started this trailer expecting it to be a run-of-the-mill true story tale akin to The 33, and it's still rather likely that it will be, but the editing of this trailer - mixing the clips to Mark Wahlberg's daughter explaining drilling - does certainly garner some attention. Nothing revelatory, but intriguing nonetheless.

The LEGO Batman Movie (#1)
As someone who loved The LEGO Movie and its iteration of Batman, and as someone who needs to clear his brain from whatever you call Batman V Superman, the dual trailers for The LEGO Batman Movie couldn't have come at a better time. This first one may not delve much into story, but the sheer in-cheek feel to it and the witty remarks made make up for a film that's already gaining a spot in my most-anticipated of 2017. "I deserve this today."

War Dogs
So the director of The Hangover movies takes on a Wolf of Wall Street-ish story starring Miles Teller and Jonah Hill? Should be good, looks good, but there's something to it that suggests that I'll just be bored while watching. Not entirely sure what though...

The Conjuring 2
Eh, I preferred the other trailer.

Light's Out
Eh, I like the premise, and the opening scare did actually do a good job at being unpredictable, but the rest seems to be a very standard horror film, jump scares and all.

The LEGO Batman Movie (#2)
All I'll add with this trailer is:
1. Ralph Fiennes as Alfred is perfect.
2. This trailer was funny. Arguably funnier than the previous one.
3. Batman's response to Alfred wanting him to talk through his feelings reminds me of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. I love it.
4. ABR.

Warcraft: The Beginning
Only a minute long, and barely anything new from the first trailer, but I'm still looking forward to this film. I've got my ticket booked! Although I don't like that subtitle...

Alice Through the Looking Glass
What are you doing here, Andrew Scott? I like the idea of Alice being placed in a mental asylum  following the events of the previous film, but there's still something about this trailer which just doesn't peak my interest. Maybe it's just the factor that, well, a sequel to Alice in Wonderland exists.

Everybody Wants Some!!
The newest effort from Richard Linklater is getting great reviews, and clips I've seen so far are suggesting great stuff. While I dislike the narration going on in this trailer, I'm still really looking forward to this film, Can it be out in the UK yet?

Swiss Army Man
When this film was screened at Sundance, people didn't know what to make of it. And now that we've got a trailer...I don't know what to make of it. It seems so stupid and yet so unique all at once, and because of that I kinda want to see it. Where else will you see a movie where Daniel Radcliffe plays a farting corpse which gets used as an axe or a jet ski?

So we finally get a good glimpse at Mark Rylance's Big Friendly Giant, and he looks almost perfect for the role. His voice really suits the character, and the motion capture(?) done seems to have been well-administered. A pity about some of the CGI, but there's another three months to go so scenes suit in the land of giants has a little while yet to be polished up. But yeah, typical Spielberg magic here!

David Brent: Life on the Road
Oh good, a movie spin-off of the original Office, focused on Ricky Gervais. I'm sure people are excited for it,'s a movie based of a British TV series/character. They don't tend to be any good...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
There's something about Rogue One that hasn't enamoured me as much as it has everyone else, and I'm not quite sure what that is. Maybe it's just that it looks so different to a standard Star Wars film, maybe it's that a Force Awakens fan as everyone else was...or maybe it's because I want to know more before I can decide. However it is though...I'm pretty sure I'll still see it.

The Bye Bye Man

Bad Neighbours 2
I'm meant to laugh, right? Because that ain't happening. Maybe my video is broken...

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