Sunday 12 June 2016

Trailer Talk: The Space Between Beauty Trucks

Pease Note: Due to a severe lack of noteworthy trailers these past few weeks, this instalment of Trailer Talk will be shorter than usual.

Beauty and the Beast
As the next in the long line of Disney remakes, this teaser is very much a simple tease, with a simple showing of a house becoming more and more desolate and unclean over time. A few lines of dialogue and a brief look at Emma Watson as Belle aside, there's very little to comment on here other than it at least looks faithful to the 90s animated classic.

Yep, this still looks pretty abhorrent to me. The story rather generic; its characters somewhat one-dimensional and lacking in any actual depth; and the only real draw being its band of voice actors. It all just seems like a lazy ploy to sell soundtracks.

With the film ready to hit US shores this coming Friday (you lucky swines; we in the UK have to wait until the end of July), this final trailer manages to show off all the typical Pixar tropes - strong emotional opening, plenty of great gags, and a slew of interesting new characters which show great promise. With reviews being mostly stellar thus far, this looks to be another sure-fire hit for the animation juggernaut - and I couldn't be happier about that.

Hmm, a mysterious trailer about a being brought up within a compound that's gone rogue? Nice. That's all to really say at this stage.

The Space Between Us
Ahh, the classic 'reveals all' trailer. This reversed Martian tale does show some interesting family-friendly content which expresses a typical 'everything is magical when it's new' motif, but it's still a great pity just how much is shown here. It looks okay, but now we have no reason to see it.

Monster Trucks
This is a project that's had countless delays and has been shrouded in secrecy until this trailer, and it's baffling to see the final result of all the trepidation - being a film about a monster who resides within a truck. Probably fine for the youngest of audiences, especially with its story aping the How to Train Your Dragon storyline, but very little for anyone else.

You can tell I'm stretching for content in this post, can't you? The most this film appears to offer is an interesting performance from one Ben Kingsley, as the rest looks as disinteresting as Anthony Hopkins' face here.

It's weird looking back at this film in a form that's longer and possibly even duller than it was before. With a three hour runtime to its name, one can only ponder just how different the quality will be - better, like the extended cut of Affleck's previous superhero fare Daredevil? Or worse, like plenty of 'Unrated' comedy extensions?

Yoga Hosers
...I have no words. This just seems so utterly bizarre that it's almost beyond belief. This is a film set in Canada about two teenage girls fighting a batch of Nazi sausages within a store with guidance from a heavily-disguised Justin Long and Johnny Depp. What do you say about that?

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